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As consumers, we spend a great deal of time researching how to buy a home or a car; yet, education costs are soaring just as high if not higher than these purchases. With the price tag of some 4-year college degrees skyrocketing to over $250,000, seeking the help of an admissions professional is essential. Crimson College Consulting offers a variety of services to meet your needs.

One-on-One College Admissions Counseling

We offer several different private counseling packages for 9-12th graders and transfer students including a variety of services:

Meetings and Family Communications

  • Virtual meetings with students and/or parents including engaging PowerPoint presentations and screen sharing.
  • Follow-up e-mails after student meetings to keep parents apprised of our progress.
  • In-depth interviews on college preferences of both student and parent/s.
  • Interactive PowerPoint presentations and activities to keep students engaged.
  • Flexible scheduling including evenings, weekends and school vacations.
  • Live support for successful submission of applications.

Admission Strategies

  • Review of prior academic record including transcripts, test scores, and any IEPs, 504 plans or other accommodations.
  • Advice on high school curriculum planning and course selection to prepare for college admissions.
  • Suggestions for extracurricular involvement, summer activities, employment, and community service experiences that will enhance college applications.
  • Standardized testing recommendations to ensure college admission requirements are met.
  • Advice on how to best use social media to improve candidacy.

Choosing Majors and Career Planning

  • Personality and learning style profiles to target schools that are a good match.
  • Assessments to determine potential majors and preliminary career interests.
  • Evaluation of the student’s intellectual, social, artistic and athletic abilities and preferences.

The College Search

  • 24/7 access to our internet-based, college-planning tool so students can explore colleges, review deadlines, and keep organized all from one place.
  • Development of an initial list of colleges customized to each student’s academic, social, emotional, demographic and financial requirements with in-depth assistance in evaluating and refining the list.
  • Creation of a personalized admissions plan and timeline of crucial dates.
  • Advice on making successful college visits.
  • Coaching on how to best communicate with admissions officers.

College Applications and Sources of Funding

  • Branding each student to maximize his/her visibility to the admissions and scholarship committees.
  • Creation of a resume that showcases a student’s strengths.
  • Interview preparation (on campus and alumni).
  • Comprehensive essay development (personal statement plus supplemental essays).
  • Assistance attaining effective recommendation letters.
  • Information on federal financial aid and merit scholarship opportunities.

Decision-Making and Transition to College

  • Assistance with managing the wait-list process, if necessary.
  • Help with making a final choice when decision letters are received.
  • Workshops for students and parents on navigating the transition to college (e.g. packing list, adjusting to dorm life, student diversity, locating support services etc.).
  • Check-in meeting during the student’s first year of college.
  • Celebration of the student’s enrollment!

Unique Circumstances

  • High achievers / Ivy League.
  • Learning differences and disabilities.
  • Physical and mental health challenges.
  • Art portfolios and performing arts auditions.
  • Athletic recruiting.
  • Service academy applications.
  • LGBTQ students and families.
  • Divorced / single parents.
  • Grief / death of a loved one.
  • Those seeking a faith-based education (all faiths).

Advise for college students

College students at library

Application & Essay Workshops

During the summers, Crimson College Consulting offers Application and Essay Workshops for rising seniors. During these sessions, students will attend group presentations as well as personal consultations in order to complete their college application forms and a suite of essays. Please contact us if you would like to learn more about our public events or if you are interested in hosting a private workshop for your student and their friends.

Community Presentations

Crimson College Consulting partners with public, private, and parochial high schools, non-profits, libra2es, professional associations, private clubs, and home school collaboratives to sponsor customized educational events including single and multi-day presentations and mini-courses for parents and students. Previous topics have included:

  • Mock Admissions Night (Participants play the role of admissions officers to evaluate “student” applications.)
  • The New College Admissions Timeline: Is Your Family on Track?
  • 9 Reasons 9th Graders Should Be Thinking about College Now
  • 10  College Application Mistakes to Avoid
  • The Campus Visit: So Much More than Just a Tour!
  • The Basics of College Athletic Recruiting
  • God on the Quad: Is a Faith-Based College Right for You?
  • LGBTQ+ College Admissions and Campus Life
  • Smooth Transitions: 25 Things to Do the Summer before College

    See recent & upcoming events

Presentations and Workshops

Corporate programs

Corporate Programs

College consulting benefits are one of the newest and most valuable services available for businesses. Along with Ms. Lucca’s college consulting experience, her background as a Wall Street attorney and marketing executive enables her to deliver a range of offerings including workplace seminars, employee discounts, and public community outreach events sponsored by corporations.

Contact us today if you are interested in bringing one of our programs to your place of business.

Close-up of contract on office table

Career Coaching

If you are a recent graduate trying to break into the job market or a young adult hoping to make a career change, Crimson College Consulting can provide occupational skills and interest assessments, assist with resumes, cover letters and interview preparation, and guide your networking efforts and job search.